Friday, April 30, 2004

Got the new Beta Band album today. Recommended.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Great scene from Get Shorty:
Ray:You got a miss. Leo Devoe. Guy's six weeks over.
Chili:He died.
Ray:How'd you know he died, he tell you?
Chili:Yeah, he told me.
Ray:He tell you personally?
Chili:Yeah, Ray, he personally told me he got killed in that Get Away Airlines' jet that went down last month.

While we were out last night, one of my mates said we should buy a bottle of wine, in order to get pissed quicker. This is a gay thing to do, someone else said politely... So, we buy 2 bottles, but didn't realise its buy one get one free. Four bottles later, this really funny thing happened...probably. I can't remember anything else.

Thats the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'll post this here so as not to taint JB...

How evil are you?

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

New case comes tomorrow, soon my PC will be complete
Chieftec Dx-01 Dragon case
Corsair 1024MB DDR500
Samtron 17ins monitor
Seagate 120gb hard drive
ABIT NF7-S motherboard
AMD mobile 2500+ processor

All I need now is the graphics card Sapphire Radeon 9800PRO

My bloging spirit has dried up. I can never think of things to blog about except for when I am at work and even then I forget by lunchtime. I can remember that andy was whistling along to a song on the radio and it was the same as the Imperial Death March [Star Wars] but when I asked him the name of the song he said it was blue summut. So I ask of you all to download any song you may find with blue in the title and whistle along and see if it is the Star Wars march.

Yes, I am a human-giraffe cross-breed. But I'm a happy one.

Holy crip, he's a crapple! - They're all gold.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Only 1 week to go before my student loan comes in. Wahoo! The milky bars are on me!

"Lets get straight down to business. How much for the ape?"

Saturday, April 24, 2004

You got to love Dice by Finley Quaye and Beth Orton. Lush.

Funny: Went out last night with my house mates, and when we came back, we sat and watched snooker for a couple of minutes. I then decide to go to bed. Thats not the funny part. At about 2 o'clock, ,Carl came and woke me up:

Carl: You gotta see this man
Me: (automatically assumes its something about Luke) Has he fallen asleep on the couch again?
Carl: Much better than that
Me: Cool.

See photos on the right for further details (snoring the entire time).

Friday, April 23, 2004

Loving Comfortably Numb by Scissor Sisters.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Dave brought back possibly the largest stand-alone road sign ever last night. Impressive. We now have three road signs in our living room, which take up more space than the furniture.

Wahoo! Just completed minesweeper on 'expert' in 363 seconds. But I did kind of... ahem...cheat.

I have a Gmail account too. So everybody has a Gmail account but nobody knows each others Gmail addys, so whats the point in them then? my one is nightstalker at please e-mail me so I feel popular.

I also now have a Gmail account, but I doubt that I'll use it really. Looks nice though.

Cleaned my room today, its amazing how different it looks from the rest of the house now. Things I found whilst cleaning: Half full (optimistic) can of Stella, half empty (pesimistic) can of Diet Coke, list of CDs/books/DVDs I want, 3 lighters, box of matches, duster, 3 pence, an issue of Q magazine, and a cheque book. I haven't looked under my sofa yet, but I think I'll leave that until I'm ready to leave.

Weather Report: Quite sunny.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

1 hour ago;
Andy: What ya playing?
Me: Tiger Woods Golf.
Andy: Golf's crap on consoles, theres no point playing them, pointless I reckon.
Me: Fine.

2 minutes ago;
Me: What ya doing?
Andy: On the 18th hole of my second course.
Me: Dick.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I'm really ment to be doing something that resembles uni work at the moment, but I can't seem to get anything into my head that doesn't leave after a cup of tea. No, I'm not giving up tea. Exams are nearing, and when they've gone, I've as good as got a degree (excluding another years work), and then those b_stards down at McDonalds will never refuse me for an interview again! That cleaners job is soooo mine.

I can't seem to watch Kill Bill without falling asleep, but I so desperately want to watch it :[

I think I just dislocated my hip.

Very Bad Things: The blackest of black comedies.
I've been playing minesweeper on the PC for about 4 days now, which has now left me having dreams that I am in amoungst the mines. Poop.

No more is this new Wormfeeder some kind of an elitist movement, for I'm here now!

I is liking Johns site, mmmmm.

No, this is called trying to scare John into doing something about Come to think of it, maybe thats what the blog should be called.
Anyway, just watched Enemy Of The State for like the 16th time (estimate), and its still pretty good, plus I recognise loads more actors from it compared to the last time I saw it. Which proves I am actually gaining knowledge as I grow into adulthood, even if it isn't essential knowledge.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Well I think this is called mutiny.

So, I've done 10 minutes revision today, and its taken its tole. I can't eat, sleep, or urinate effectively.

First run of the mill daily blog:
I got woken up last night about 4 o'clock with the sound of "back off you f_cking c_nt, that was my kill" from luke playing some shoot me before I shoot you game on the internet. I thought we were being raided by a government task force of some kind. B_stard.

Well wormfeeder is ours after all

Got blog envy, so decided to get one., here to restore faith in the wormfeeder name.